Saturday 11 July 2020


We buried an old friend yesterday,
in the midst of virus restrictions.
It was outside,
just a few of us,
around the grave,
rugged up against the winter wind,
each maintaining distance,
no touching,
no handshakes,
no embraces,
just being together
to acknowledge our shared loss
and celebrate a life well lived.

A son, the only child,
had been allowed to cross
a closed state border.
Others could just observe
by live streaming.
When all was done
we lingered awhile
to renew acquaintances
and reminisce,
but then
were moved along
by grave diggers with
a yellow tractor
and a load of earth.

Friday 10 July 2020

Bare Fig Tree at Laura

Our winter garden at Laura - frost bitten during most nights but glorious, sunny days and (this year) almost weekly rain. There is that exciting sense of bulbs tentatively cracking the frosty crust of the soil before bursting into their profusion of spring beauty.