Friday 25 March 2022


We drove through the area of the fire today
almost seven years since it happened
and remembered the day.
A north wind raged in from the desert
laden with red desert dust.
An old automobile battery
left in a paddock,
probably related to a disused
electrified stock fence,
somehow sparked
and the fire started.
Burning in farmland, not scrub,
flames leapt to thirty feet high
and destroyed
more than ninety dwellings,
hundreds of other farm buildings,
miles of fence
and thousands of farm animals,
but fortunately
only two human lives.

It had burnt on a front

of over a hundred miles
but was declared
under control
“watch and act”
within about ten hours.


there are new
and repaired buildings,
signs of a good
harvest completed
and new, green growth
on the fire ravaged
roadside eucalypts.

Not all fences

have been rebuilt,
but perhaps
they are not all needed now
with larger farms
and modern machinery.

We have moved on

but not forgotten.
We know it can
happen again.


On 25th November 2015 a fire started near the small South Australian town of Pinery.

Despite the name of the town, it was not a forest or bush fire but one in agricultural land.
It was a shockingly hot and windy day and the fire spread with almost unbelievable speed before it was controlled and eventually extinguished.

Thursday 3 March 2022


 I find myself waiting for it -
the cackle
of a kookaburra
in a nearby
gum tree;
more a visitor
than a resident,
but welcome,
always welcome.

On a summer morning

White clouds
float above the range
of cotton wool
in a clear blue sky.

Summer is here
and I am at peace.