Thursday 21 December 2017


This happened while we were having breakfast on our back verandah at Laura.
We felt so privileged.

First Flight 
This morning
I watched a young sparrow take its first flight.
Venturing from the nest it sat tentatively on a nearby ledge.
while its mother fluttered encouragingly around it,
gently clasping  its back feathers, fluttering her wings
and  then swooping off into the air
before returning to flutter and encourage again.

 At last it happened.
The young bird hopped from the ledge,
fell briefly,
then fluttered its wings, 
and was gone,
a nestling no longer.

I felt privileged.
In a lifetime of watching,
I could not remember
a first flight.

Wondering too
at how we fluttered around our own young,
encouraging their first steps
and eventually the leap of faith
to fly, to soar, to glide ,
as the beautiful adults they have become.

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