Thursday 21 December 2017


"and the angels sang"

I'm not a believer anymore
but last night
I heard angels sing.

I hear them in birdsong
or feel them in a stirring breeze
or see them in a starry sky.

But last night
they were in a cathedral,
all grey sandstone
ornate woodwork
and stained glass ,
made flat and colourless
against the night sky outside.

Not my usual choice
any more
for sensing
sense beyond mind,
for experiencing
manifestations of deity.

But I felt …
no longer the unbeliever
that I've become.

Every valley shall be exalted,
a virgin shall conceive,
the eyes of the blind shall be opened …

The voices soared
to the arches above,
hung on the still spring air,
and reached
into the very soul
of my being.

I'm not a believer anymore
but last night
I heard angels sing.

Reflection on hearing the Adelaide Chamber Singers "Messiah" in St.Peter's Cathedral - November 2017.

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